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What is a College policy?
A policy is a governing set of principles that guide College practice. It helps ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, promotes operational efficiencies, enhances the College mission and values, and reduces institutional risks. It has broad application throughout the College community. It provides a basis for consistent decision making and resource allocation, or a method or course of action to guide and determine present and future decisions. It is formally documented, approved and reviewed.
How does a College policy get drafted?
A new academic policy is initiated by the Faculty Senate or one of its committees, the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the President. An administrative policy is initiated by any Cabinet member. Any member of the College community can propose a policy to the Cabinet member of their respective unit. A documented procedure and form are available to assist in drafting the policy in the proper format.
How does a policy get revised?
Revisions are initiated in the same manner as drafts of new policies as indicated above. A documented procedure and form are available to assist in revising a policy.
What is the role of the Policy Committee?
The Policy Committee supports the President in implementing and disseminating policies. It reviews new policies and substantive changes to existing policies for relevance to college mission and business operations, clarity, and compliance.
What is the process for providing input regarding new policies?
The Cabinet member in whose area the administration of a policy falls is responsible for determining who in the College community should review proposed policies, whether new or revised. Each Cabinet member has a representative to the Policy Committee.
What is the role of the Responsible Officer?
The Responsible Officer is the College official charged with administration of the policy.
Who is responsible for compliance with the policies?
All members of the College community are responsible for compliance with policies. Individual managers and Cabinet members are responsible for ensuring that operational procedures adhere to policy.
I would like to post a policy on our departmental web page. Are there any rules about what format I need to follow?
The Chadron State College Policies and Procedures System contains all official policies. All College website content, electronic and print documents should reference the applicable policy URL in the Policies and Procedures System. Duplication of policy text on web pages and in electronic documents is to be avoided. Where necessary to duplicate policy text in website content and electronic documents, approval is required by the College Policy Committee. Upon approval, the policy URL is to be included with the duplicated text and the duplicated text URL is to be indicated on the Policies and Procedures System policy. This is the responsibility of the department website or electronic document content owner and manager.