The Grievance Process

24 Hour Title IX Hotline (Call or Text)
** Response to text may be less immediate than a phone call**
If you have an emergency or an immediate threat, contact 9-1-1 (or dial 9-9-1-1 from a campus phone)
The Title IX Office at Chadron State College is responsible for addressing allegations of prohibited conduct, in order to protect the campus, students, faculty, staff, and visitors from all forms of sexual-based discrimination and harassment. Below is an outline of the definitions of the grievance process, informal resolutions, supportive measures, respondent, complainant, prohibited conduct, and retaliation. View Board Policy 3020.
The Title IX Office will treat all parties with respect and ensure the investigation is executed as thoroughly, fairly, and as efficiently as possible.
The investigation process can be stressful and complicated. It is important for Complainants and Respondents to understand the process and the rights afforded to them. Please contact the Title IX Coordinator to address any questions or concerns.
Complainant - The term Complainant refers to someone who is accusing another person (Respondent) of violating the Chadron State College Title IX Board Policy 3020.
Respondent - The term Respondent refers to someone who is accused of violating the Chadron State College Title IX Board Policy 3020.
Resolution - The Title IX Coordinator/Designees will meet with the complainant to discuss the complaint, next steps, resources, and options. Receiving a letter of notice of investigation, does not mean the Respondent has been found in violation of the policy. It means an investigation has been started to determine if a policy violation occurred.
Advisors - All parties involved in any investigation are allowed to be accompanied to any meeting or hearing as part of the process by an advisor of their choice. Advisors provide support and guidance.
Prohibition against Retaliatory Conduct - Retaliation is strictly prohibited against any parties involved in the grievance process. Allegations of retaliation or intimidation of anyone involved in any sexual-based misconduct are taken very seriously by the college and should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator.
Supportive Measures - Non-disciplinary, non-punitive, individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge. Supportive measures are available to both the Complainant and Respondent involved in an alleged incident of sexual-based misconduct. They are available before or after the filing of a complaint and where no complaint has been filed. Supportive measures are designed to restore or preserve access to the party’s education without unreasonably burdening the other party, to protect the safety of all parties and the college’s educational environment. Supportive measures may include counseling, extensions of deadlines or other reasonable course-related adjustments, modifications to work or class schedules, campus safety escort services, mutual restrictions on contact between parties, changes in work or housing locations, or other similar measures.
Prohibited Conduct - Dating violence, domestic violence, gender-based discrimination, gender-based harassment, sexual assault, pregnancy discrimination, quid pro quo harassment, retaliation, sexual exploitation, stalking.
Grievance Process Outline
- Report is submitted to the Title IX Office
- Title IX Coordinator/Designees reviews complaint
- Title IX Coordinator/Designees invites Complainant to intake meeting. During the intake meeting, the following will be reviewed:
- Rights, resources and options for complaint
- Investigation process
- Supportive measures offered
- Understanding difference of law enforcement reports and college campus investigations
- Right to Advisor
- Resolution
- Informal Resolution
- Does the Complainant wish to proceed with an Informal Resolution?
- If the answer is “yes”, the matter is resolved informally, and the case is closed.
- If answer is “no”, the Complainant will be asked if they wish to proceed with the formal resolution process.
- If the answer is “no”, the case is then closed
- If the answer is “yes”, proceed to formal resolution section below.
- Formal Resolution
- Title IX Coordinator/Designees invites Respondent to intake meeting. During the intake meeting, the following will be reviewed:
- Rights, resources and options of Respondent
- Investigation process
- Supportive measures offered
- Understanding difference of law enforcement reports and college campus investigations
- Right to Advisor
- Investigation
- Interviews conducted
- Evidence collected
- Investigation Report created
- Hearing Conducted -**not all reports or investigations will result in a hearing**
- Complainant and Respondent provided evidence for review
- Advisors provide support during hearing
- Decision on responsibility and sanctions
- Option to Appeal
- Case Closed
- Title IX Coordinator/Designees invites Respondent to intake meeting. During the intake meeting, the following will be reviewed:
- Does the Complainant wish to proceed with an Informal Resolution?
- Informal Resolution
Investigation Expectations
If you are provided an investigation notice, whether you are an involved party or person identified as a potential witness. The purpose of the interview is for the Investigator to ask questions and gather information. Please take your participation in this process seriously and with the understanding of the importance of the investigation process. The investigation process of complaints will be completed in a thorough and fair manner. When complaints are received, the college has an obligation to investigation. To accomplish this, it is vital for all involved parties to participate with openness and honesty. This includes if you do not think you have any information of value. If, after your interview, you recall or learn of more information that you think may be helpful to the investigation, you should immediately contact the Investigator.
Investigators strive to conduct their investigations in a discrete manner in order to minimize disruption within the academic/work environment, protect the integrity of the investigations, and preserve potential evidence. While investigators would prefer witnesses to keep their involvement in any complaint process confidential, the college cannot prohibit participants from discussing the matter. Instead, we respectfully ask participants to refrain from discussing the matter to ensure the integrity of the investigation is not jeopardized. It is important to note that speculating, gossiping, or spreading rumors about participants and/or situations is unprofessional and could be defamatory.
Complainants and Respondents will have access to the final investigative report and will have the right to respond to the information obtained during the investigation. Witnesses should understand their names and the information they provide will be included in the final investigative report that is shared with both parties.