Reporting Information & Frequently Asked Questions

24 Hour Title IX Hotline (Call or Text)
** Response to text may be less immediate than a phone call**
If you have an emergency or an immediate threat, contact 9-1-1 (or dial 9-9-1-1 from a campus phone)

The Title IX Office Provides Support to Anyone Affected by Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, Harassment, or Violence.
How Can I Report Prohibited Conduct?
You may file a report with the College if you are seeking support, resources, and/or disciplinary remedies. Anyone who feels they have been subjected to prohibited conduct is encouraged to bring it to the attention of the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Office is empowered to provide supportive measures and resources to all individuals involved in these situations and to protect the safety of the campus community.
To report incidents of sexual misconduct, discrimination, harassment, or violence, please use the buttons below. This includes incidents of sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sex discrimination (discrimination on the basis of gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation), sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence, retaliation, and stalking. If you or someone you know has been subjected to any of these types of behaviors, let us help.
Board Policy 3020 is related to sexual harassment and sex discrimination and includes definitions.View Board Policy 3020
If you would prefer to speak to someone, or have questions, please contact the Title IX Office
File a Report
Upon receipt of a report of Sexual Harassment, the Title IX Coordinator will contact the complainant to discuss the report, review the availability of supportive measures, and discern the Complaintant’s wishes for next steps with respect to the Grievance Process.
Filing a Title IX report is different than filing a report with the local police department. To file a police report contact Chadron Police at 308-432-0510
Incidents Involving Minors
Please be aware all College employees, including confidential employees, are required by state law to report allegations or reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect, including sexual assault or abuse of a minor (those 18 years of age or under)to state agencies and/or, local law enforcement. As a result, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in sexual misconduct incidents involving minors.
If I report something, will it be kept confidential?
The College appreciates the privacy concerns inherent in allegations of sexual violence or sexual harassment. We strive to respect the rights of the alleged victim if they request confidentiality, asks the report not to be pursued, or declines to participate in an investigation or disciplinary proceeding. The College will take reasonable steps to investigate and respond to reports consistent with such a request. The request will be evaluated and weighed against the College’s responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment. Incidents involving minors (those 18 years of age or under) is discussed above. Who is Required to make a Report?
Who is Required to make a Report?
At Chadron State College, we strive to protect our students, employees, volunteers, and visitors from any form of sexual misconduct, discrimination or violence. These behaviors will not be tolerated and any individual who engages in such conduct may be subject to disciplinary action.
The College encourages every employee to be a safe supportive person to anyone disclosing their experience of discrimination, harassment, or violence. Employees are expected to let individuals know who disclose, that the Title IX Office, is able to provide support and information to all parties, inclusive of students and employees, who may be impacted by these events.
Mandatory Reporters - these are employees identified that are required to report disclosures or suspected incidents of sexual harassment, sexual, assault, stalking, dating and domestic violence, sexual exploitation. The following employees are required to report incidents of sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator.
- President
- Vice Presidents
- Academic Deans
- Title IX Coordinator and Designees
- Deans of Students and Associate Vice Presidents for Student Affairs
- Housing/Residence Life Staff
- Athletic Directors and Associate Athletic Directors
- All Coaches
- Campus Security Officers
What Happens After the Report?
After a report is made the College’s Title IX Coordinator will contact the person who is reported to have been harmed to follow up with them to provide support and ensure their safety. Making a report does not require an individual to move forward with an investigation. It does provide the Office with the opportunity to offer support and information so the individual can make a safe and informed choice on how they would like to proceed. If you provided the report the Title IX Coordinator may contact, you for additional information if needed.
What if I Want Someone There with Me?
During the initial meeting, you will be able to share details of the incident and ask any questions you may have. The Title IX Coordinator will listen to everything you have to say and then provide information on all options for reporting and resolutions. They will also talk to you about resources available to provide further support. The Title IX Coordinator will also explain the policy, the definitions, and the grievance process to help decide the next steps available.
What Will We Discuss?
The Title IX Office understands how difficult it is to discuss what has occurred. If you would feel more comfortable having someone there to support you during this conversation, we encourage it.
What if I Change My Mind?
Making a report does not require you to move forward with an investigation. If you decide, at any point, that you do not wish to move forward with the process we will respect your rights. You will always have the support of our Office. We are here for you.
How will the College Respond to a Report?
The College has a responsibility to respond to reports of sexual violence or sexual harassment and attend to the needs of all students/employees who are involved. Reports of sexual violence and sexual harassment are taken with the utmost seriousness, and those involved will be promptly referred to the appropriate persons or resources for assistance. The College is also responsible to ensure the individual accused of committing such violence or harassment is treated fairly. All parties are given due process and will be presumed not in violation of Board Policy 3020, unless proven responsible through investigation.
What Immediate Remedies are available to me?
During the investigation, the College will take reasonable steps to provide an equitable and safe environment. Supportive Measures are provided to
everyone involved. Remedies are established on a case-by-case basis. Possible remedies include and are not limited to:
- No Contact Orders between individuals. (This is not the same as a legal protection order, this applies to on-campus)
- Reasonable Academic Accommodations
- Changes in living arrangements
- Changes to work schedules
- College Counseling services
- List of supportive resources available within the College and outside support organizations
Will The Incident Be Reported to Local Law Enforcement?
If you are seeking criminal penalties, you should file a report with local law enforcement agencies. The College investigates Board Policy violations. Law enforcement seeks to determine whether an individual violated criminal law. The College will provide the Complainant with law enforcement information if requested. There are some circumstances which would require the College to report to law enforcement. If the College does report to law enforcement, the Complainant will be notified. If an emergency dial: 9-1-1 (from a campus phone dial: 9-9-1-1).
Chadron Police Department
125 Main Street, Chadron, NE 69337
Non-Emergency Phone: 308-432-0510
Chief of Police: Rick Hickstein
Chief of Police Email: rhickstein@chadronpd.com
If I File a Complaint Against Someone, What Will Happen to Them?
The Title IX Office will conduct an impartial investigation. All parties will be notified the investigation is being conducted. The Title IX investigator will then collect statements from all parties, statements from witnesses and any relevant evidence. During the investigation process both parties will have an opportunity to receive periodic updates, present witnesses and provide evidence, as necessary.
How Long will an Investigation Take?
Investigations can be complex or straightforward, which can result in variations in timelines. As a result, it is not possible to create a strict and specific timeline for every case. The College is committed to a thorough, complete and impartial investigation of reports of Title IX related issues. The College will strive to conclude an investigation within 60 business days from when the College received official notice from the Complainant and an investigation is formally launched.
Who is the National Entity that Oversees Title IX Compliance?
If you have questions about Title IX compliance and would like to know more information about the laws surrounding it, you can contact:
Kansas City Office
Office for Civil Rights
US Department of Education
One Petticoat Lane
1010 Walnut St, 3rd floor, Suite 320
Kansas City, MO 64106